Sociedad Chilena de Astronomía

XIV Annual Meeting 2017

Marbella, January 23-26, 2017

We would like to welcome you to the XIV Annual Meeting of the Chilean Astronomical Society (SOCHIAS), to be held January 23-26, 2017 in Marbella resort, Maitencillo. An ever expanding opportunity to showcase science made in Chile and to build new collaborations

Programa SOCHIAS 2017

You may download the program for the meeting here. Please note that this is still subject to changes as the organizing committee is working out the final details.

Abstracts – Oral Contributions SOCHIAS 2017.
Abstract Poster Contributions

Key Dates (UPDATED)

  • 2016-11-01: Early registration deadline.
  • 2016-12-06: Oral contribution abstract submission deadline.1
  • 2016-12-05: Membership application deadline 2.
  • 2016-12-16: Student grant request deadline.
  • 2016-12-16: Regular registration deadline.
  • 2016-12-31: Poster contribution deadline.3
  • 2017-01-16: Late registration deadline.
  • 2017-01-22: Welcome reception.
  • 2017-01-24: Conference Dinner.

1 If you are not a member and wish to make this deadline and pay the member fee, follow this simple steps: Fill out the membership application, pay the anual member fee, register and pay the member regular registration fee as if your membership application was already successful. If it turns out that it was not successful, then you can submit a second payment for the difference but still have your contribution considered by the SOC. If you have any questions on this, please email asistente <@> sochias <.> cl.

2 Membership applications after this date may not be processed before the annual meeting. If you are not a member and want to take advantage of the member rates, you must apply before this date.

3After this date poster contributions will be considered based on space availability.

Please note that scientific sessions will take place between Monday 23rd, and Thursday 26th, on the previous Sunday evening you can check in, pick up your badge and receipt, and join us at the Welcome reception.


Invited Speakers

  • Javier Alonso-Garcia (UA)
  • Joseph Anderson (ESO)
  • Manuel Aravena (UDP)
  • Loreto Barcos-Muñoz (NRAO-ALMA)
  • Claudio Caceres (UNAB)
  • Graeme Candlish (UV)
  • Luis Chavarria (CONICYT)
  • Lucas Cieza (UDP)
  • Yara Jaffe (ESO)
  • James Jenkins (UCH)
  • Keiichi Ohnaka (UCN)
  • Barbara Rojas-Ayala (UNAB)
  • Mario Soto (UDA)
  • Amelia Stutz (UDEC)
  • Mikko Tuomi (University of Hertfordshire)

Plus, the Scientific Committee will select an outstanding oral contribution by a graduate student to be presented on a plenary session.

Poster contribution guidelines

Registered participants

Please check yourself on the Registered participants’ list to proofread the spelling of your name and to verify that the registration process was completed successfully. If you have any doubts, send an email to asistente <@> sochias <.> cl .


Scientific Organizing Committee

  • James Jenkins (UCH, chair)
  • Roberto Assef (UDP)
  • Amelia Bayo (UV)
  • Rolando Dunner (PUC)
  • Christian Moni (UCN)
  • José Prieto (UDP)
  • Bárbara Royas-Ayala (UNAB)
  • Dominik Schleicher (UDEC)

Local Organizing Committee

  • Patricio Rojo (UCH, chair)
  • Ezequiel Treister (PUC)
  • Guillermo Blanc (UCH)
  • Roberto Assef (UDP)
  • Eduardo Unda-Sanzana (UA)
  • Maja Vuckovic (UV)
  • María Fernanda Durán (SOCHIAS)


First Announcement

Second Announcement

Third Announcement

Fourth Announcement


This event is possible thanks to the generous support of the ALMA-CONICYT 31150016 fund.