Viña de Mar, Chile, December 12-13, 2016

Based on the success of the first LSST-Chile Workshop on Nov 19-21, 2015, we are now organizing the second version of what hopefully will become a yearly activity: the “Towards Science in Chile with LSST” 2016 workshop. The main motivation for this workshop is to address how prepared are we, as Chilean community, for the avalanche of LSST data and more importantly what research we hope to do with these data. With this in mind, we are organizing a two-days meeting in which members of the Chilean community can present and discuss their ideas to make the best use of the LSST data and multi wavelength follow-up studies, ranging from solar system and planetary science to high redshift galaxies and cosmology.

There will be invited talks by key LSST players including Mario Juric, Pat Eliason and Ashish Mahabal and others, to provide context and further information, including chairs from the LSST scientific collaborations. A significant fraction of the workshop will be devoted to preparatory science, data management, access, computing needs, resources, Chilean representation on LSST panels, etc.

The meeting will take place in Viña del Mar, at the Best Western Marina del Rey Hotel. The Workshop will start in the morning of Monday, December 12, 2016 and finish on the afternoon of Tuesday December 13, 2016. There will be no registration fees for the workshop. Coffee breaks, lunches and dinner on Monday will be provided free of charge for all participants. In addition, young scientists presenting work related to LSST can apply for financial support to attend the workshop. Graduate students already working on LSST-related projects applying to present their work at the meeting are strongly encouraged to apply for travel support from SOCHIAS on the October or November calls.

Registration form: The regular deadline has passed. We have now received more applications than expected and therefore we cannot cover additional participants. However, we are offering a late registration until Wednesday December 7, provided that a registration fee of 70.000CLP is paid. This is to cover the coffee breaks, lunches and conference dinner. If you are interested in this opportunity, please register here

Program: Can be downloaded here (in PDF; updated Sunday December 11, 2016, 18:20 CST)


The workshop will take place at the Best Western Marina del Rey Hotel. A negotiated rate of CLP55,000+Tax (IVA) is available for participants who would like to stay at the Hotel. In order to book a room at this very attractive rate you have to contact the reservations office of the hotel directly, at (32)2383000 and ask for the LSST workshop rate. Further instructions will be provided once you call the hotel.

If alternative arrangements are desired, Viña del Mar offers an extensive selection of rooms, hostels and hotels suitable for all budgets.

Worskhop Dates: December 12-13, 2016

SOC and LOC: Timo Anguita, Leopoldo Infante, Sebastian Lopez, Nelson Padilla, Chris Smith, Patricia Tissera, Ezequiel Treister (chair)

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