The China-Chile Joint Research Fund (CCJRF) has been implemented since 2015 based on the principles established in a 2013 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the National Commission of Scientific and Technological Research of the Republic of Chile (CONICYT, now ANID). The more specific guidelines described in the Agreement between the National Astronomical Observatories of China (NAOC), the Chinese Astronomical Society, the Chilean Astronomical Society (SOCHIAS), and CONICYT () to support proposals that involve collaboration in astronomical research from both Chinese and Chilean astronomy communities.

The call for China-Chile Joint Research Project (CCJRF) 2023 was issued on December 29, 2023, and 15 proposals were received by the March 29, 2024 deadline. The Joint China-Chile Committee (JCCC) is in charge of the review procedure of these proposals. Two senior astronomers from the Chinese side and another two from the Chilean side were determined for each proposal as the reviewers. After receiving the evaluations from the reviews, the JCCC had a final review meeting on July 4, 2024, and selected four recommended proposals and the corresponding amounts of financial support.

Now the NAOC has approved these four projects to be funded:


  • CCJRF2315: A joint study on the feasibility to probe magnetic fields using near-IR Polarimetry, PI: 杨海峰Haifeng Yang (浙江大学Zhejiang University)/Laura M. Pérez (Universidad de Chile)
  • CCJRF2310: A NIR Spectroscopic Survey of Nearby Bright AGNs: Measuring Broad-line Region Kinematics, Black Hole Masses and Geometric Cosmic Distances, Mary Loli Martínez-Aldama (Universidad de Concepción)/李彦荣Yan-Rong Li (中科院高能物理研究所Institution of High Energy Physics, CAS)
  • CCJRF2301: The Rowdy Planet Nursery: probing the earliest stage of planet formation through the star-planet interaction, 郭震Zhen Guo (Universidad de Valparaíso)/王雪凇 Xuesong Wang (清华大学Tsinghua University)
  • CCJRF2312: A Panoptic View of Massive Star Formation Across Galactic Environments, Pablo García (国家天文台/南美天文中心NAOC/CASSACA)/Amelia Stutz (Universidad de Concepción)