Second Announcement: Registration is open for The Cerro Chajnantor Atacama Telescope-prime (CCAT-prime) / Chile Workshop

April 1 and 2, 2019 at Cerro Calan

CCAT-prime and Universidad de Chile are pleased to invite the Chilean astronomical community to Cerro Calan for a workshop on the CCAT-prime telescope to be built on Cerro Chajnantor. CCAT-prime ( will be a 6-meter diameter, 10-micron surface precision telescope working at submillimeter to millimeter wavelengths. It will operate in survey mode only and first light is expected for 2021.

The CCAT-prime / Chile Workshop aims at bringing together the CCAT partnership and all astronomers in Chilean institutions who might be interested in submillimeter and millimeter science using CCAT-prime. The participation of Chile in this project will be through access to all CCAT currently planned and future scientific collaborations. Leadership by Chilean scientists in CCAT projects is highly encouraged.

We invite the members of the community to register for the workshop that will take place at Cerro Calan, Camino el Observatorio 1515, Las Condes, Santiago, on the 1st and 2nd of April 2019. The program will include an introduction to CCAT-prime, the first light instruments (CHAI and PrimeCam), and overviews of the several currently identified surveys that will be carried out during the first years of CCAT-prime operations. Short presentations by the attendants will also be welcomed and we invite anyone interested to send their contributions. Finally, group meetings will take place to encourage an active exchange of ideas between the CCAT partners and the Chilean community.

More information and an online registration form can be found at

We expect to host about 75 participants. No registration fee will be required. For any inquires, please contact Walter Max-Moerbeck at (UChile) or Gordon Stacey at (Cornell).