Sociedad Chilena de Astronomía

Faculty position in Astrophysics – Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Application Deadline: October 31, 2019

Selection Deadline: November 29, 2019

The Department of Physics at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (UTFSM), Chile,

invites applications to fill two faculty positions at the assistant or associate professor level,

beginning as early as January 2020. One position is at the Valparaíso campus, and the other

position is at San Joaquin (Santiago) campus. The applicant must have a Ph.D. degree in

Astronomy or Astrophysics, with commitment to research as well as teaching at the

undergraduate and graduate level. The position is open to all areas of Astrophysics

research and instrumentation. UTFSM has a leading group in Particle and High Energy

Experimental Physics in the country, and affinity with these activities is desired. The

Department has well established undergraduate and PhD. programs in Physics, with a

tradition in research in Condensed Matter and Particle Physics, and is starting the new area

of Astrophysics.

The successful candidates are expected to have a commitment to excellence in research

and to join the recently open undergraduate program in Astrophysics, interacting closely

with students. Applicants working in all areas of Astrophysics are welcome to apply. Our

Department is an active research center in the country with an active visitor program and a

research collaboration network worldwide. Our University is mainly focused on Science and

Engineering, with multidisciplinary activities and collaborations and attracts some of the

most brilliant students in these disciplines. It also hosts powerful computer clusters, being

the first site in the country to reach the status of Tier-2 in the ATLAS grid. The selected

candidates are expected to be able to teach in Spanish within approximately a year.

Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, a short statement of research interests and

teaching philosophy, two letters of reference that should be sent directly from the referee

to the address below, and a copy of title or degree certificates. The documents should be

sent by October 31th, 2019, to Dirección RRHH ( or to the

Head of the Physics Department, Prof. Claudio Dib ( Late applications

may be considered until the position is filled. Further information can be obtained at the

same addresses.


Departamento de Física

Avenida España 1680, Valparaíso, Chile Tel. +56-32-2654152