Anuncio del plazo extendido para postulaciones al NOC Chileno

About the IAU National Outreach Coordinators 

The IAU National Outreach Coordinators (NOCs) are national-level representatives for the IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach (OAO). Members of the network act as a point-of-contact for astronomy outreach for a country or territory. NOCs support the implementation of IAU OAO projects on a national level, share astronomy news and events within their country, and connect the IAU with local communities. In the process, they receive outreach support from the IAU OAO, such as access to the NOCs Funding Scheme, and a connection with the global network of NOCs.

What are the roles of the NOCs?

National Outreach Coordinators (NOCs) will be responsible for (1) implementing the IAU outreach initiatives at the national level, (2) to comunicate outreach information nationwide, and (3) bridge the IAU with local/national communities.

SOCHIAS, as IAU National Committee for Astronomy (NCA), is looking to select a group of up to five (5) individuals to conform the Chilean NOC Committee, from whom SOCHIAS will select one to act as the National Outreach Coordinator.

The National Outreach Coordinator:

  1. is the principal outreach national representative appointed under the IAU outreach structure;
  2. keeps the IAU OAO informed of national outreach initiatives connected with the IAU;
  3. implements or coordinates a set of annual goals provided by the IAU OAO and develops plans for the outreach actions associated with the IAU in the country;
  4. can establish a National Outreach Coordination Committee (NOC Committee);
  5. can nominate one or more NOC Deputies or Assistants when necessary;
  6. maintains a link to national professional astronomers, communities of amateur astronomers, and outreach professionals.

The NOC Committee will collaborate with the NOC to fulfill the primary roles previously mentioned. The NOC and NOC Committee appointments do not include monetary compensation.

It is expected that the NOC and NOC Committee will work in collaboration with SOCHIAS.

Who can apply? 

SOCHIAS welcomes applications from astronomers, scientists, science communicators, or others with proven experience communicating astronomy with the public, organizing outreach events or activities, or similar background.

Applicants must be able to communicate fluently in Spanish (both written and spoken),as well as  good English writing abilities. English fluency is desired.

All members of the National Outreach Coordinator Committee, but especially the NOC:

  1. are expected to receive at least monthly communications from the IAU OAO and respond;
  2. shall demonstrate rich knowledge and experience in astronomy outreach activities (in particular coordinating national-scale activities);
  3. shall demonstrate a strong motivation to initiate astronomy activities in countries without significant astronomy activities;
  4. shall have or establish a local/national network involving relevant stakeholders (e.g. professional astronomers, astronomy educators, planetariums (when applicable) and amateur astronomer communities.).

More information on the NOCs can be found on the IAU website here.

How to apply? 
Applications will be received through this online form and must include:
– A letter of intent (pdf file)
– A letter of support from a member of the Chilean professional astronomical community (pdf, 1 page max.)
– Curriculum (pdf file, 2 page max).

Deadline to submit applications has been extended to Monday, August 16, 2021.