(September 20, 2018) Reception of scientific contributions is currently closed.

As the meeting doubles as the annual meeting for both AAA and SOCHIAS, the AAA’s online system “Sigma” will be used to upload the scientific contributions. This system will also allow for a more expedite compilation of the contributions into meeting proceedings. You need to register into the “Sigma” system. Please note that it may take up to 5 business days for your account to be validated since the author role is assigned by an administrators. You will receive an email notifying you when the role is assigned, please wait for this email. You will only be able to upload your contribution once you receive this notification, so please plan accordingly.

Contributions should be sent using this latex format.

To register (and then upload your contributions) please follow this link http://sigma.astronomiaargentina.org.ar/ . There you will find easy to follow instructions (in Spanish) to upload your contributions. For an English version of these instructions, please visit this page.

Click here to access the abstract submission platform.

General information for oral presentations

  • A PC laptop, LCD projector, and speaker remote will be available for presentations during the oral sessions. Nevertheless, the presenter can use their own laptop.
  • All presentations must be in PowerPoint or PDF format.
  • If you send the presentations, please include your last name, date, time, and session of your talk in your e-mail. The presentations files must be e-mailed to binational2018 [at] gmail [dot] com

General information for poster presentations

  • We expect to have the poster boards ready to be used at the time of the accreditation, on Sunday, October 7. Ideally, the posters should be all set up by the end of that day.
  • You are responsible for printing your poster. If you arrive in La Serena and you have not printed your poster yet, there might be places that could print your poster, but please note that the poster may not be ready by the next day. We strongly advise you to avoid this risk by starting your trip with your poster ready.
  • The LOC will provide adhesive materials and will help you to put up your poster. Please note that the provider of the panels expect that they are not damaged in any way by the end of the conference. Please be ready to use only the materials that will be provided by the LOC for this purpose.
  • Please also note that poster boards will not be located indoors, they will be set up in a tent in the central courtyard of the venue. The organization is not responsible for any damage that might come to posters that are not laminated due to weather.
  • Posters must be removed by the authors by Friday, October 12, at 2 pm. The organization will remove and discard any poster remaining after this time.
  • Posters with frames or scroll structures will not be displayed

Here are some recommendations to keep in mind when preparing your poster:

  • Font: Arial, Helvetica or Trebuchet for legibility.
  • Title: Bold, 72 pt font size. Sentence case.
  • Author: Italic, 54 pt font size.
  • Main Text: 26 pt font size.
  • References: 20 pt font size.
  • Orientation: Portrait
  • Maximum width: 0.9m